TIP #1:

TIP #2:
You can make someone’s day by giving a genuine compliment.
This will also increase and enhance your own sense of well-being so it’s a win-win!

TIP #3:
A great tip re-posted from the team at the Global Leadership Network NZ. #speakergls20
Our well-being can be enhanced when we can be comfortable knowing what our strengths are as well as our areas of weakness

TIP #4:
Practicing mindfulness can support us to recognize and overcome worries and stress. Young people have been sharing the technique of Pause, Breathe and Smile which they are learning in schools – a simple yet effective technique worth building into a daily routine.

TIP #5:
Research shows that sleep can improve your mood more than we often expect.
We can improve the quality of our sleep by doing things such as not using devices before bed, limiting caffeine and alcohol, having regular sleeping/waking routines.
Check out some of the apps that can be useful at supporting effective sleep.

TIP #6:
Compassion for others is proven to be positive for our own wellbeing. There are many proven benefits to our physical and mental health.
A challenge to consider is to carry out a small kind act every day, for both people you relate well to and perhaps people you find tricky.
There was an interesting article about this in today’s Herald if you are interested in having a read https://www.viva.co.nz/article/beauty-wellbeing/five-reasons-why-being-kind-is-good-for-you/?utm_source=nzherald.co.nz&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=nzh_box

TIP #7:
Self Compassion is also important for our wellbeing.
A well-known researcher in this area, Serena Chen, suggests a three-point checklist we can use to reflect on how compassionate we are being to ourselves:
Am I being kind and understanding to myself?
Do I acknowledge shortcomings and failure as experiences shared by everyone?
Am I keeping my negative feelings in perspective?

TIP #8 :
Write it down!
The key with any goals or actions we want to take is to write them down – in whatever way this works for you: diary, lists, whiteboard, notes on phone, calendar, planning apps. Achieving both small and larger things fosters wellbeing.
In fact, you’re 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down on a regular basis. It has to do with how our brains work. When you write things down, you’re activating both parts of your brain, the imaginative right hemisphere, and the logic-based left hemisphere.

TIP#9 :
Celebrate achievements, pause and recognize the small gains along the way rather than focusing on what didn’t work or the next step. When we take time to feel good about what we have achieved endorphins are released so it builds our sense of wellbeing.
Read some more about this here on our blog https://www.equip.net.nz/helpful-info/goals-and-mental-health-recovery/

TIP #10:
Social connections are so important so worth building on tip #1. It is important to surround ourselves with positive people who can build us up, and who we can encourage and support in return. Our sense of social connectedness includes how we socialise, level of social support and our sense of belonging.
There is more about this on our website https://www.equip.net.nz/helpful-info/mental-health-and-relationships/
This article is also an interesting read https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/literature-reviews/social-connectedness-and-wellbeing.html